In our ongoing career skills revisited podcast series where we feature an interesting career-based episode you may have missed: Clare Mann, Managing Director of Communicate31, and Tao de Haas, Registered Clinical Psychotherapist, Social Ecologist and Executive Coach, discuss team building, mentoring and coaching in the workplace.
In the first full length CPA Australia Podcast for 2020, hear from IASB Board member Ann Tarca where she and Ram Subramanian, Policy Adviser – Reporting at CPA Australia where they discuss the current and also future developments in IFRS.
In this first mini episode of the CPA Australia Podcast for 2020, Excel expert Neale Blackwood CPA discusses Data Validation. Excel has a built-in Data Validation feature that you can use to limit and control entries that go into certain cells. Hear all about how and why to use this feature in this mini-episode.